Finally, it looks as though Summer has arrived. It’s taken until the last week of July but it’s here! And, the positivity continues as Simply Commerce had its best month YTD for new placements.
Following recent surveys and reports from Lloyds Banking Group and Deloitte, it’s clear that both business and consumer confidence are high. We anticipate this optimism will result in new work streams and growth opportunities and, whilst these work streams are likely to remain concentrated in smaller areas where ROI can be quickly tracked, their emergence is nonetheless a positive development. This is especially encouraging for the retail sector, which has been cautious since the start of 2023.
Incoming vacancies across June and July were lower than we would have liked. However, the general sentiment in the market is that more vacancies are available, with companies choosing to exhaust their direct search options before seeking specialist assistance. Notably, there has been a significant uptick in strategic leadership vacancies compared to the previous 12 months, which is a promising sign for the future.
Internally, I’m pleased to confirm the whitepaper we have been working on for the past couple of months, focused on challenges and opportunities within digital commerce, is almost ready for release – you can expect a copy of it in the next week or so. A lot of work has gone into this behind the scenes with multiple surveys taking place at events such as IRX and Retail Tech Show earlier this year, as well as quantitive research we undertook with our network back in Spring.